Final Post: My Relationship with Technology

 I grew up rather disconnected from technology and I struggled with social skills due to my inability to chose between languages to speak. I...

Monday, March 28, 2022

Unheard Anti-War Voices

2001: the year the United States self-inserts its military power into the Middle East.
2021: the year the United States pulls out of the Middle East due to agreement with the Taliban.
The U.S thrives on war both that it is involved in and not, be it economically or socially. It's all a matter of power. Due to recent political shams, issues, and shifts, the United States has lost much of its international power and is struggling to maintain its power over the youth of the United States.
Th United States has been conceived as a global superpower. Its international standing used to be the ever-powerful "world police" or "international cops." Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S passport was one of the most "powerful" passport possible until plummeting significantly through the ranks of passport power. Below, you can see how much of the world was occupied by U.S forces. The white regions show no American military presence whereas the darkest areas are significantly occupied, whether due to war troops or American bases.
Sites like keep people informed of the current wars (like the Ukraine-Russia war that erupted earlier in 2022) more than encouraging less. However, staying informed through a less bias website may diminish the power of American propaganda, especially that of which surrounds the politically-intriguing theme of "war" that the American people would prefer to not have.  
American propaganda can be seen in how students are taught history and current affairs. For instance, the United States paints itself as a Land of Dreams and the "greatest country" in the world, however does not allow for students to learn about American failures in human rights concerns, war, and racial views. Due to wars in the Middle East and dislike of heavy immigration of people of color (Latinos) coming through the Mexico-United States border, American politics encouraged discrimination of Islam and Latinos by calling the minorities that fall under this topics any horrible name between "terrorist" and "rapist" and "drug dealers." When you search for United States propaganda, there are only suggestions for the World Wars, not today.
The United States is becoming blind this way.
In the website called The American Conservative, alternate and unbiased views of American work in international affairs are explored. Exclusively international affairs (no American interference) are also explored. Sites like those mentioned in this writing are being underused and covered up by "bigger" news and media because that's not what brings in money or appeals to the "American way."

When talking about war and its propaganda in your country, be mindful of what it meant historically. In the United States, the "American Dream" was and remains to be exclusively for the straight, white, Christian working male, who also happens to be rich. Immigrants, racial minorities, religious minorities, et cetera, are excluded... and the number of straight, white, Christian working males is declining. That kind of dream is dying. Voices of the minorities are rising up. 
Who's to say speech minorities like and The American Conservative won't also rise up? In order to facilitate speech diversity and combat propaganda, it's the responsibility of the people to educate themselves and fight back. 
So fight back and educate yourselves.

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